Picture 1: Sean riding a big wave
After tackling El Capitain, we allowed ourselves a few days off climbing and went to Ventura to visit Patagonia and enjoy the surf. Here are some pictures of our trip.

The people from Patagonia were really nice and they did a good job introducing us to surfing.

Picture 2: Nico encounters a new friend.

Picture 3: One of the girls working for Patagonia
bande d'arnaqueurs elle sont super connues c'est photos, bien essayé ;-)
en vrai z'êtes coincé sous la pluie dans le portaledge à manger de la soupe en sachet... LOL
dude, that's it I am moving to Ventura f*** San Clemente!
Nico je t'interdis de venir manger avec ton nouveau copain à la maison. Bon vous revenez quand? j'ai de la Duvel au frais...
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